SMiLes by Meg

Sunflower Oat Cookies

I’m currently sitting in an airport in Seattle, on a layover heading back to Boston after an absolutely perfect week with Erik in Alaska. We skied on two lakes, spent a night in a dry cabin in -20°F weather, ate a lot of pizza, went climbing, and played a lot of board games. But mostly, we got a lot of much-needed hangout time, which is what I miss the most when we’re apart. Because I’m feeling sentimental, here’s a gratuitous picture of us doing fun things: One day this week, we had two of Erik’s friends over for dinner (Jake

Granola Bars

Sometimes, when I lost track of time, I realize two days before I’m going on vacation that I don’t have a recipe lined up for the weekend. Occasionally, I get lucky and already have something saved that I can post. But most of the time I have to scramble and see what I can find that is fast and doesn’t require a trip to the grocery store. This recipe hits both of those requirements: It takes less than 30 minutes to put together, and as long as you have some staples on hand, you can probably find some granola at

Sourdough Bagels

If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know that I have a sourdough starter that I like to bake with fairly often. Anytime I have a bread-type thing I want to make, I look to see if there’s a sourdough version. This is partly because every time I open my fridge it stares at me, wanting to be fed or used, and I feel bad letting it sit in there too long without doing something useful. (Even yeast cultures deserve to have a purpose in their lives.) But it is also because I despise using dry yeast for

Zucchini Walnut Bread

My last recipe from my Cambridge apartment! And, unfortunately, it’s going to be a short post because I’m very much still in the middle of packing. When I was picking this recipe, I was looking for a quick bread, mostly because it was graduation week and I didn’t want to be spending a ton of time on it. And I needed breakfast food that would last awhile. So I looked back through the breads I had made in the past, and was surprised to find that I had only made zucchini bread once, a long time ago, with chocolate chips


These were really fun. If you don’t know by now, I give up sweets for Lent every year. Which means I try to find people to bake for each week so that I won’t have the temptation around me. This year, Erik made it easy. He wanted to make hamantaschen for Purim so that we could send cookies to a long list of people, all over the country, that he stays in touch with. Sending cookies by mail far from Boston fits in well with my Lenten promise to not eat said cookies. A win-win all around.

Pita Bread

This is a cop out post. I know if I don’t say it up front, Jonathan Topaz is going to call me out in the comments. I freely admit I made this pita bread weeks ago and have been sitting on the recipe until I was too busy to bake some week – this week was that week.


I apologize that you won’t be able to make this. Because there is no way you also have the following box tucked away, unused, in a random drawer of your kitchen: